Empower Your

Child’s Mindset

A Program To Change the way your Child Thinks and Acts  in Challenging Situations of life

Is Your Child Facing Any Of These Issues ?


Short Temper

Is your child exhibiting signs of anger outbursts, opposition, defiance, or argumentation?


Lack Of Confidence

Is your child experiencing a lack of confidence and reluctance to address weaknesses?


Managing Emotions

“Is your child becoming easily irritated by minor issues?”

Is Your Child Between The Age Bracket Of

10 To 15 Years?

Than the Program is Perfectly Designed and Curated for your Child


Fun Activities

Our course bypasses tedious lectures, instead employing enjoyable activities to impart each lesson in an engaging manner.


Your Child will Love the Course

“Our course is tailored to ensure teenagers don’t perceive it as a burden; rather, they fully relish each lesson.”


Designed as per International Standards

Each activity is meticulously designed in accordance with WHO guidelines.


Our Course Offerings

Anger Management 

The anger management module will help your child learn how to control his or her anger. It contains a series of activities that will teach them to channel their anger in productive ways after they’ve been provoked.

Emotional Wellness

Let’s face it, life is full of ups and downs. And no one is immune to them. This module is aimed at helping your child to overcome the negative thoughts they may have around these events, by giving them tools and techniques to change their perspective.

I am my Favourite

This module emphasises on the fact of Self-love. In today’s fast life, we don’t take time to be good to ourselves – and this is very important. Learn the 3 step process on how unpleasant emotions can be faced well enough.

First – Get aware of your emotions well.

Second – Understand your emotions and how they impact your behaviour.

Third – Make yourself responsible for taking action. Act!


Changes You Will See In Your Child After Taking this Program

drop your children off at school or activity and know that they are feeling better than they ever have.

know that your child has a solid understanding of what is causing them to become upset and how they can change the direction of their thoughts and emotions.

watch your child respond to a situation positively, when you know in the past they would have had a total meltdown over the same situation.

What Parents Say

Mehul’s Story

Hi, this is Pooja Dutta, mother of Mehul Dutta, who was a student of Managing Emotions. When Mehul joined Managing Emotions, I used to feel that he is very aggressive. But after that, the change that I saw in him, he controlled his angle to a great extent. And he became very focused on his study. And if I talk about the biggest change, I saw it during the lockdown, when the kids were playing outside for so long and at that time the kids were not able to go out. So I saw that he was very positive and he never complained to me. So I will say that this is a very good experience. For this, I will say thanks to Abhilasha ma’am and Priya Darshani ma’am.
And all parents should experience this once. Thank you so much. 


Star Rating


Years Established

Book your Course Today!

Enroll Now for 299 INR


Frequently Asked

My child is 12 year old, will this be beneficial for him?
This course is suitable for children in the age bracket of 10-15 year old.
Can I have 1 to 1 Sessions with the Mentors?
Yes you can email us at info@enable-me.org for 1 to 1 session
Can I go Multiple times through the course ?
Yes you can go through the course as many times as you want.